20th-23rd September
0 miles
East Glacier
Four days of waiting for the foul weather to pass. Rain, cold and wind. I would not like to be in the mountains now. Unfortunately Teflon decided to head home. Not before she took Thermometer, Bubbles and I on a scenic drive to the Going to the Sun road, one of the most scenic roads in North America.
A couple of years ago I met the granddaughter of the builder, hello Laura and Ron if you are reading, they told me about this road. I must admit that I never though I’d be on the road despite my strong desire to see it. Waterfalls fell into seemingly bottomless valleys. The road clung impossibly to the side of the mountain. It lived up to its reputation.
Several more days were spent in the town of East Glacier. Hikers came and went, all with horror stories of the bad weather they survived on route to Canada. Some hikers were lost when they returned to town after finishing their hike. The real world of jobs, careers and stress called some. Others were numb and distant, some were already making plans for yet another long distance hike. This thru hiking thing can ruin your life in the best possible way.
My old hiking buddy Spontanious arrived in East Glacier. He hitch hiked here with his girlfriend. He was about 400 miles further south on the trail. I convinced him that northern Montana is getting cold, better to be here now. Maybe one winter storm will close down the trail for the rest of the year. It would be safer for him to hike Glacier National Park now and hike south to finish the trail. Late September is a potentially dangerous time in these parts.
When not chatting with other hikers I was introduced to the phenomenon know as Game of Thrones. That TV series that has hooked the world. I spent hours watching it. Unfortunately now I am hooked. Although I must say I would rather be on the trail, I’m hooked about being on the trail.
Lucky for us there is a good weather window. Generally fine and sunny with little or no chance of rain. It’s finally time to hike to Canada.
Next – Day 159 Dangerous Snow Covered Trail
Everything you need to know about hiking the CDT:
Complete Guide to Hiking the Continental Divide Trail
CDT Resupply Guide
CDT Gear List
Good to hear that you are safe and walking on. Any day now The news of your arrival in Canada will spread across the internet……………..
I think it is coming soon
So glad you got to experience the “Going to the Sun Highway” my dad as a young boy would ride on the donkey cart that took materials up to the job sight usually they went without human guidance. My grandpa was a Civil Engineer on the project, I’m very proud of him he also built the Hoover Dam along with a lot of the major roads criscrossing the states.
Also wanted to give you a big smile seeing you with your Bubbles makes me happy. A guy can only be alone for so long, you deserve to be happy.
The mountain range is really dangerous after a snow pack, take care tread lightly.
Hugs from your distant friends who really admire you.
Thanks Laura and Ron. I really enjoyed the road, what a job to build that road, you must be proud.
Good luck with the last stretch of your trek. Waiting out the weather sucks but it beats being caught it. :)
Cheers, it was the best thing to do