This is a compilation of all my blog posts on my multi-year, multi-continental journey by bike, foot and canoe of the Americas. Bicycle Touring from Alaska to Argentina is one of the great overland journeys of the world.
To explore by human power makes the journey more rewarding. Join me and my bicycle as I cycle and hike the most amazing places on the planet.
This is my complete blog post list of my travels by bicycle so far, from Alaska to Colombia. Enjoy.
Keep scrolling down to watch my YouTube Documentary of the journey.
North America
From Alaska to Panama. A journey of 30000km that had me riding on highways, backroads, hiking trails and beaches.
- Alaska
- Biking and Hiking Devils Pass Trail and Resurrection Pass Trail
- Exit Glacier then and now
- Why do bad things come in three’s
- Prince William Sound
- Cycling the Richardson Highway in Alaska – Valdez to Paxson
- Cycling the Denali Highway
- Biking and Hiking Denali National Park, well almost!
- Cycling the Dalton Highway to Prudhoe Bay
- Fairbanks to Tok
- Cycling the Top of the World Hwy
- Cycling the Dempster Highway to Inuvik
- Hiking the Chilkoot Trail
- Canoeing the Yukon River
- 6 Months of Adventure Travel
- Cycling the remote Robert Campbell Hwy
- Cycling the Cassier Hwy
- Searching for Spirit Bears and Glaciers
- Goodbye Canadian Mainland
- Alert Bay
- The Whales of Telegraph Cove
- Cycling the East Coast of Vancouver Island
- Hiking the West Coast Trail
- Canada by the numbers and in photos
- Hello Seattle
- Biking and Hiking Mt Rainier National Park
- Biking and Hiking Mt St Helens
- Cycling Northern Oregon Coast
- Cycling the Central Oregon Coast
- Cycling the Southern Oregon Coast
- Cycling the Redwoods of Northern California
- Cycling the Avenue of the Giants
- Cycling the California Coast
- The Streets of San Francisco
- Hiking and Biking Yosemite National Park
- Cycling over the 3031m Tioga Pass
- Snow in the High Desert
- Cycling Death Valley
- Cycling the Mojave Desert
- Hello Las Vegas
- Cycling and Hiking Zion National Park
- Hiking and Cycling Bryce Canyon National Park
- Cycling the Cottonwood Canyon Road
- Antelope Canyon
- Hiking the Grand Canyon
- Cycling the Arizona Trail, Ranches and Pueblos
- Cycling from Meteorite Craters to the Apache Trail
- Cycling across the Sonoran Desert
- Cycling San Diego to Los Angeles
- Cycling San Francisco to Santa Cruz
- Cycling the Big Sur Coastline
- Cycling the Ventura Highway in the Sunshine
- Last Days Cycling in USA
- Cycling Baja Mexico
- Paradise Found Bahía Concepcíon
- The Silly things we do
- Cycling to Copper Canyon – The Hard Way
- Chillaxing in Creel
- Upper Copper Canyon
- The Warning
- The Mexican Outback
- The Lonely Road
- Zacatecas
- Zacatecas to Tequila
- Cycling around Volcán Colima
- The Lost City of San Paraangaricutiro
- Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve
- Mountain Biking Nevada de Toluca
- 2 Years of Travel
- Exploring colorful Guanajuato
- Mountain Biking around San Miguel de Allende
- Hanging out in San Miguel de Allende
- Cycling from San Miguel to Xichu
- Cycling the Sierra Gorda from Xichu to Pinal
- Mountain Biking from Pinal to Jalpan
- Cycling the Huesteca Jalpan to Xilitla
- Cave of the Swallows
- Waterfalls of the Huesteca
- Cycling to Bucarelli
- Mexican Culture takes many forms
- Cycling the Aztec Roads
- Climbing La Malinche Volcano
- The Waiting game in Oaxaca
- Mexican Beaches – Equals Relaxation
- 3 Years Traveling
- Hanging Out in San Cristobal
- The Jungle Lakes
- Jungle and Ranches
- Yaxchilan – The Hidden Jewel in the Mayan Crown
- Bonompak – The Little visited Mayan site
- Palenque – Ruins in the Jungle
- Guatemala – How not to cross into a country
- Spanish Language school in Flores – Guatemala
- Cycling to El Mirador
- Lost in the Jungle – El Zotz to Tikal
- Tikal -The Disappointment of a guided tour
- Belize -An English Speaking Country in the Caribbean
- Cycling through North West Belize – Fail
- Lamanai – Mayan Ruins in Belize
- Goodbye Belize, Hello Mexico – Again
Mexico – Yucatan Peninsula
- More Mayan Ruins – Xpuhil – Becan – Chicanná – BalamkuCalakmul
- Calakmul – The largest Mayan Ruins on the Yukatan Peninsula
- The Heat is hot in Campeche
- Uxmal and Kabah
- The Cenotes of Cuzuma
- Chichen Itza
- Cancun to Atlanta
- Isla Holbox by Bicycle
- Ek Balam Ruins and X’Canche Cenote
- Bicycle Touring Siaan Kaan Biosphere Reserve
El Salvador
Costa Rica
Where to buy all the best gear for Bicycle Touring and Bikepacking:
| Competitive Cyclist |Amazon | REI |
| Campfire Cycling | | | MEC Canada |