Day 2 It’s the little things

PCT Day 2

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18th April 18.7 miles

Hauser creek (15.2) to Bushcamp (33.9)


It wasn’t even dark last night and I was asleep, although the jet lag did wake me for several hours in the middle of the night, again. From my camp at Hauser Creek I had just under 5 miles to get to water at Lake Morena campground. Standing in my way was a long climb. I’m kinda glad I didn’t tackle that last night. I’m already finding the Pacific Crest Trail a little bit tough.

I almost forgot that I had a twinge in my knee till it returned after only 5 minutes. I stopped and took some ibuprofen and continued. Luckily the twinge didn’t return for the rest of the day.

While hiking I took a greater than normal interest in the nature. I know little of the plants and animals. I observed Turkey Buzzards soaring around me for part of the day. It appears they just cruise at low altitudes looking to surprise a chipmunk or lizard. They buzzed quite close to me sometimes, I suspect that my presence might flush out some prey that might be more interested in focusing on me rather than the buzzard.

I crept up on many reptiles today. Horny Dragons, skinks, and a lone snake. My ability to stalk them was lacking, so was an appropriately large zoom lens. (If anybody can identify the animals in my photos please leave me a comment).

I spend most of the day alone, same as yesterday. I’m yet to find anybody hiking at my pace. During most of the stops I catch up with any other hikers. Already there’s a tight bond between us all.

I received some trail magic today. Trail magic is a term used to describe the acts of kindness that hikers receive while on trail. The persons giving the kindness are called Trail Angels.

Some Trail Angels open their house for hikers, some give up weekends to set up water caches in the desert and some set up meals at roadsides for hikers. For me the trail magic was a very  cold root beer, supplied by a lovely couple on the side of the road near the trail. It was a hot time of the day. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

After receiving the root beer around 2pm I continued along an ever climbing trail for the next 3 hours till I found a flat area only just big enough fort tent. I could have gone further. I need to let the body adapt to the miles. I’m not there yet. Besides I figured it’s another 8 miles uphill to the small village of Mt Laguna and its famed cafe. I can’t believe I’m having food fantasies on PCT day 2, how will I cope.

PCT Day 2
PCT Day 2
PCT Day 2
Crossing under the interstate hwy PCT Day 2
Crossing under the interstate hwy
PCT Day 2
trail magic
PCT Day 2
PCT Day 2
PCT Day 2
loving the desert mountains
PCT Day 2
surely the military clean up the site after a helicopter carrying live munitions crash
PCT Day 2

Next : Day 3 – Blooming High Desert 18.8 miles (52.7)

The Best information about the Pacific Crest Trail:
Complete Guide to the Pacific Crest Trail
Resupply Guide for the PCT
PCT Gear List

PCT Gear Review

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About the Author:
Brad is an Australian who has completed the hiking Triple Crown after he hiked the Pacific Crest Trail, Continental Divide Trail and Appalachian Trail. He has hiked on every continent (except Antarctica) and has cycled from Alaska to Ecuador. He is an expert on outdoor gear currently living in Chile.

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14 thoughts on “Day 2 It’s the little things”

  1. So the one on top is a San Diego Coast Horned Lizard I believe but we always call them horny toads. I saw a few doing it in the middle of the trail around mile 22 last spring. I can’t tell about the other. But I know I see a lot of fence lizards and common side-blotched lizards around when I hike so those are possibilities. I’m just no lizard pro. The coolest one I saw in that area was a San Diego Tiger Whiptail. Sadly, I saw it because my cat killed it.

  2. yes, that’s a horny toad! they are getting harder and harder to find each year. i used to catch them and rub their bellies when i was younger. haha, glad to see you found one.

  3. Way to go Brad! You are really on your way. Glad to hear there is lots of camaraderie on the trail. Thank-you for the great photos and for bringing us along with you, on your PCT adventure.

  4. I grew up in east San Diego county so your photos remind me so much of my childhood. It’s great to see them and to follow you on your trek. All the best.


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