14th May 2015
Mileage 14.4
Bushcamp (464.2) to Casa de Luna (478.6)
Pacific Crest Trail Desert Rain
I spied high Sirus clouds yesterday. Normally they forecast bad weather, well today I was right. I stuck my head outside my tent in the early morning. I saw the low clouds start to descend over the mountains. As the morning continued the clouds became darker.
By 10am I found a wonderful surprise of chairs, soft drinks, and various other outlandish decorations in the middle of nowhere. Tink and Robsteady also indulged in the oasis.
Two hours later it was raining. At first it just started as a tease. Should I put on my rain gear, I thought. Minutes later I had my rain pants and rain top on. Heavy Pacific Crest Trail Desert Rain was falling. It was also cold, but luckily not windy. I was wearing every layer I had.
Thirty minutes after the rain started I made it to a highway with a promise of a place to stay. Local trail Angels, the Andersons, host weary hikers. Several of us were congregated under a shelter when Terri Anderson arrived. She have us a lift to her house.
There were a couple of other hikers there. A beer was offered, then another, then burgers were cooked, then the cold damp weather hit me. I was cold and needed to warm up. I went to the expansive back yard to pitch my tent and get in my sleeping bag to warm up. I woke up 2 hours later.
What happens at the Andersons stays at …Thank you to the Andersons, your hospitality and treatment of hikers is nothing short of legendary.
Next : Day 29 Miles and Smiles
The Best information about the Pacific Crest Trail:
Complete Guide to the Pacific Crest Trail
Resupply Guide for the PCT
PCT Gear List
PCT Gear Review
Hippie Day Care xoxoxo ! Terrie’s the best. ADL
I have been following your journal and just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate it! You have a great eye for photos and a wonderful appreciation for the plants and wildlife. You also seem to have a superb positive attitude! Keep up the good work and hopefully that knee shapes up.
Thanks Ryan. I’ll try and keep the positive attitude but that might be subject to my knee staying positive too!
How did the OR rain jacket hold up? Ive ordered mine and is due any day, cant wait to try it!
Worked fine, no complaints, very lightweight
OR rain jacket? Link?
nevermind, figured it out.