5th November
Kerikeri 227.3km to Pahia 253km
I was keen to leave, despite a deep cough that still lingered. I was certain I was over the worst of it. I felt a little like a caged lion. Energy, I had loads of it and longed to be moving again. A Google search was enough to tell that I didn’t have pneumonia, which was my initial fear. My chat with the pharmacist confirmed that while it was possible it was unlikely.
There were as many 8 other hikers on trail today, all leaving at different time. I had to post my bounce box to Auckland. It’s crazy to think I’ll be there in about 2 weeks.
It was just before 10am when I made my way out if town, stopping briefly at the oldest building in all of Newlll and Zealand. Built in 1831-32, it doesn’t really compare to places in Europe, Asia or Africa.
I had lots of thoughts today. Partly because I was very ill when I was there in 2009. I contracted Maleria in Cameroon but it was a visit I made to Timbuktu in Mali, many years ago that occupied my mind. I often get random flashbacks to previous travel destinations. All the memories are as vivid as if they happened yesterday.
A sand storm blew in while in the Sahara just outside of Timbuktu. Bit annoying for us but not a problem for our camels but it was an experience. I think my camel was called Ahmed. The 1000 year old history of the old salt trading caravans traveling the Sahara. I was reminded of a book I read many years ago by Ibn Battuta, the Middle Eastern Marco Polo. Anyway, I digress. Back to the trail.
The trail was mostly on forestry plantation roads and rather peaceful. I kept a keen eye out for the native bird, the Kiwi, but nothing. I hope to see one of these elusive creatures before I finish the trail.
My energy level stayed high but I rested often to be sure. I was still coughing but had no problem breathing while hiking up hills. I’m not 100% but I think I’ll be fine in a coup e of more days.
After a pleasant day hiking through forests I arrived at the pricey holiday town of Pahia in the Bay if Islands. Nearby is Waitangi a nationally significant place as a treaty was signed between the Maori and British. The first time a colonial world power recognized indigenous ownership of land and culture. The treaty of Waitangi is an important document for New Zealand and the world.
Next – Day 14 – River Walking Paradise
All the tips you need to hike the Te Araroa Trail :
Complete Guide to the Te Araroa Trail
Te Araroa Trail Resupply Guide
Te Araroa Trail Gear List
Te Araroa Trail Gear Review
I’m glad you’re back on your feet mate and feeling better. It sucks getting sick on the trail.. ????
Cheers, getting there, will be a while till I’m back to 100%
Timbuktu was like yesterday for me too. I also remember you reading about Ibn Battuta. Gosh, sometimes I wonder what exactly triggers the memories.
I was an interesting experience, but I guess that’s what life is all about