TA Day 79 – The drought has broken


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10th January


Lakehead Hut 1945.2 to Upper Traverse Hut 1964.9

As usual I was first to wake and first to get out of bed. I was conscious to make as little sound as possible. Not everyone is a morning person like myself. Quietly I ate my breakfast and drank my coffee. I packed my gear and started hiking before most people were awake.

Dark clouds settled on the high mountain peaks until they were no longer visible. There was a quiet calm before the storm. An hour of hiking and the clouds liberated their moisture. The rain was light at first then heavy enough to put on the rain jacket and pack cover. This was the first rain of any substance since Christmas day when I was stuck in a hut, oh so long ago.

10am photo below

I arrived at the first hut after 3 hours hiking but didn’t take time to rest. Just long enough to eat a couple of granola bars then off again.

The trail followed a clear mountain river, crossing it several times on small wooden bridges or large swing bridges. Since I started hiking on the south island I haven’t filtered the water. These clear mountain streams are pure. The kind of water people pay good money to drink. I think it unlikely that I’ll get sick drinking this pure untreated water. The further I climbed up the valley the smaller the river became.

By 1pm I reached my final destination for the day, Upper Traverse Hut. With sketchy weather it just wasn’t worth pushing over the exposed mountain pass. Besides, I could see smoke rising from the hut, there was a warm fire going inside.

The hut was busy. People and wet gear everywhere. I found a place to sleep and set about finding a place to dry my gear. A cooked lunch was followed by a long and lazy afternoon siesta. Hopefully the weather is clear tomorrow for the high mountain pass.

Next – Day 80 – Two high passes in one day

All the tips you need to hike the Te Araroa Trail : 
Complete Guide to the Te Araroa Trail
Te Araroa Trail Resupply Guide
Te Araroa Trail Gear List
Te Araroa Trail Gear Review

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About the Author:
Brad is an Australian who has completed the hiking Triple Crown after he hiked the Pacific Crest Trail, Continental Divide Trail and Appalachian Trail. He has hiked on every continent (except Antarctica) and has cycled from Alaska to Ecuador. He is an expert on outdoor gear currently living in Chile.

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4 thoughts on “TA Day 79 – The drought has broken”

  1. I remember when you predicted that coming storm in Burkino Faso. You said it will hit in about 15 minutes. It did—with a vengeance.

    • When we first started hiking in the Sierras we did not filter any water just drank our fill now that is unheard of………Wonderful that you can enjoy the water and the purity of the flowing rivers etc.

      • I drank without filtering in many but not all places in the Sierra. Not too much up there to pollute the streams, except for the ever present marmots.

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