CDT Day 160 Triple Divide Pass


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25th September

14.7 miles

Morning Star Lake (2594.9) to Red Eagle Lake (2609.6)

It was only about 6 miles to the top of a place known as Triple Divide Pass. The first 3 miles was either flat or downhill before the 2000 foot climb to the pass. The higher we climbed the stronger the wind. Near the top of the pass the winds were not only cold but Bubbles fought the wind to stay upright.

This trail is doing its best to stop our forward progress. For the second day in a row I opened a packet of the chemical hand warmers. Unlike yesterday, these one seemed to work ok. Usually it’s me that suffers when it’s cold but today it was Bubbles.

Triple Divide Pass looks over a valley with steep walled cliffs, hanging lakes and grand mountains on one side and steep mountains with the last remnants of glaciers on the other. How the Mountain Goats cling to the sides of these impossibly steep mountains are beyond me. But they do. We saw maybe 20 of them in total.

Our very late start in the morning meant a late arrive at Red Eagle Lake, our camp for the night. Camp is perched at the end of the one mile long lake. Looking back from where we came the snow capped mountains and ominous dark grey clouds are almost outdone by the green, red and yellow foliage of the trees or the silhouettes of the fire struck trees. This trail is impressive.

Next – Day 161 Surprising a Grizzly Bear While hiking

Everything you need to know about hiking the CDT:
Complete Guide to Hiking the Continental Divide Trail
CDT Resupply Guide
CDT Gear List

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About the Author:
Brad is an Australian who has completed the hiking Triple Crown after he hiked the Pacific Crest Trail, Continental Divide Trail and Appalachian Trail. He has hiked on every continent (except Antarctica) and has cycled from Alaska to Ecuador. He is an expert on outdoor gear currently living in Chile.

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14 thoughts on “CDT Day 160 Triple Divide Pass”

  1. Wow! These are some beautiful pictures! The first one with all the beautiful fall colors, the snow on the mountains, and the storm clouds is really incredible.

  2. Looking good up there!

    ID (brand & size) of your hand warmers & how positioned in glove?
    Would an earband & hat have worked instead of the hood?

    • The hand warmers were ‘grabber warmers’, they don’t work that good but worked well enough to warm the hands just a little. They were places on the palm, inside the gloves. I think the balaclava was the best option, it was warm and protected from the wind, a hat would blown off in the strong wind.


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