23rd April 2015
0 Miles
Warner Springs (109.5)
Warner Springs
It’s called a Zero day at Warner Springs. A day when no miles are hiked. Normally, when hiking I would call it a rest day but while doing a hike like this it’s anything but a rest day. Eating, laundry, eating, checking maps, eating, updating blogs, eating, showers, reading, socialising then to end the day, eating.
During breakfast the local Sheriff arrived. I thought I would introduce myself to him. Several hours I arrived back at Warner Springs. Andy, the Sheriff, took me for a ride to re-supply the resource centre and show me around the area. What a friendly guy. There is a real community spirit here.
Let me explain. The town of Warner Springs has no store to re-supply hikers. So the local community came to the rescue and set up meals, showers, laundry, free camping and a small store for hikers. All the things that hikers need. In return the funds that us hikers spend help the community.
The school and the elderly are some of the people that myself and others have assisted by staying and spending my money here. I love the sense of community here.
While planning this hike I have a box that I continue to send to myself. It’s called a ‘bounce box’. It contains supplies that I need but don’t want to carry. Items such as toiletries, computer, battery charger and food.
When I send the box to a place with no food I will take it from my bounce box. When I arrive in a town that has food I will buy extra for my bounce box. I send it to locations about 7-10 days away. It should correspond with my days off, or ‘zero days’.
Next : Day 8 – It’s Called Nero (118.4)
The Best information about the Pacific Crest Trail:
Complete Guide to the Pacific Crest Trail
Resupply Guide for the PCT
PCT Gear List
PCT Gear Review
I always wondered what these hiking rest spots were like. I notice there is a wide variety in attire. Some of the campers in the cafe, are totally bundled up, hats, down jackets. Then there is the guy in shorts and t-shirt.
Canadians in shirts and shorts, Australians in down jackets, everybody else are dressed in between
REALLY enjoying your blog. Sounds like a great adventure, pretty jealous!
Thanks, I’m enjoying the adventure glad you enjoy it too