20th August 2015
Mileage 0
Cascade Locks
I’m physically and mentally exhausted. This PCT hike is hard. It’s only my motivation that keeps me going. I can understand why people would quit the trail after putting themselves through so much. It’s so very hard on the mind and body. All of us hikers are hurting.
Not long ago all is hikers talked about food fantasies. Now we talk about how good it would be to do nothing. Watch movies for a week straight, or just lay in bed all day and night for a week. But I’m not going to quit the trail. Rest can come later.
There is an even bigger problem looming ahead in Washington. Fires. They have killed people, destroyed homes, threatened whole towns, closed highways and closed sections of the PCT.
Smoke has made visibility and breathing difficult. It’s not easy to get up to date, accurate information. Things seem to be changing so quickly. As it looks now I may not be able to hike the rest of the PCT.
To date I have walked every single inch of the way from Mexico. Not one unbroken section. For me, if I hitch hiked to a town, then I would restart my hike at the exact same spot, sometimes that meant crossing a road just so I could restart my unbroken line.
But in Washington I fear my goal to hike every inch is destined for failure. I could feel sad about that but I am more sad for the people of Washington that are affected by the fires.
Tomorrow I will set foot into Washington and hope for the best but accept whatever will happen. I have also decided to take a gamble and not post food ahead to the remote towns.
I plan to pick up whatever garbage food I can find at gas stations near the trail. Could make for interesting good choices for my last couple of weeks hiking. Wish me and the people of Washington luck with the fires.
No photos today, too tired.
Next : Day 126 Entering Washington
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Complete Guide to the Pacific Crest Trail
Resupply Guide for the PCT
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PCT Gear Review
Wishing you the best and pray you complete the PCT, but your safety and the safety of other hikers is the most important thing.. The fires in the west have been a catastrophe, and here in Calif. were not even in our normal fire season yet which is normally in Sept. and October when we get the dreaded Santa Ana winds..
Thank you. All the hikers are more concerned about the safety and welfare of the Washington residents than their own goals of finishing the trail. Myself included. It will be what it will be.
A fire retardant hazmat suit weighs 3.6kg
A bus ticket off the trail would be lighter, cheaper and safer, if it comes to that!
Good luck! I hope you get to complete your thru-hike. Stay safe!
Thank you. We shall see