7th July 2015
Mileage 28.6
LaPorte Rd Creek (1235.7) to Bushcamp (1264.3)
Most people would need pills to sleep as well as I did last night. Long miles on the PCT is all I need. It was 6.30am when I threw my pack over my shoulder to commence the day.
I had a goal for the day. I wanted to be at the large river marked on my map by lunch, it was maybe 16 miles away. I wanted to swim, wash, do laundry and chill out. Within an hour of hiking I saw some fresh bear scat. A minute later I saw more scat, this time much older. But no sign of its depositor.
I commenced a huge descent of several thousand feet of mountain to the river below. On the other side of the valley to my right I could hear the unmistakable sound of a chainsaw. I was in forestry country.
It was midday when I entered the soothing waters of The Feather River. Surprisingly it was warm enough for me to enter. I dislike cold water. Layers of dirt and sweat were washed away. On this hot and humid day it was great to be clean.
After almost 3 hours of swimming, laundry, reading and snoozing I set off on the long climb out of the valley. Like parts of the descent there were patches of rainforest and stunning creeks lined every gulley. After only a couple of miles of climbing I reached Bear Creek. As I put down my pack I almost sat on a snake. It was alive but didn’t want to move. It made a great photo subject. This is not the first snake I’ve seen recently. The last couple of days have gifted rattlesnakes and many species of lizards. I do like reptiles.
I kept climbing into the late afternoon on the sometimes stunning, sometimes overgrown trail. When I reached the top I still had excess amounts of energy. I continued hiking until the threat of darkness and hunger caused me to make camp.
I was joined by another hiker I met only an hour or so earlier, Leeanderthal. Darkness and sleep came easy.
Next : Day 83 Lightning Strikes
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Complete Guide to the Pacific Crest Trail
Resupply Guide for the PCT
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PCT Gear Review
That is a Garter Snake. They are harmless. Occasionally one will get bitey if you hold them, but usually they won’t. Getting bitten doesn’t hurt – unless you’re a wuss.
Almost sat on that one. It didn’t seem to mind my company at all
Hi Brad, I was a bit worried too. So great to see your posts when I opened my email today!
Thanks Sally, just poor cell service.
We are so glad to receive your blogs again. We were worried that something awful had happened to you. Our son Paul met you on the West Coast Trail and told us about your Blogs, which we think are wonderful. Thank you very much. Hugh and Frances
Thanks for your concern Hugh and Francis. Just been in a remote area with no cell service or wifi.