PCT Day 85 Halfway To Canada


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10th July 2015

Mileage 27.3

Bushcamp (1304.6) to (1331.9)

It’s 1.40am and I’m woken by a call just outside my tent. Who whoooo whoooo. An owl must be perched right above my tent. Being woken by an owl is a privilege not an annoyance besides the rain had stopped.

When I woke at 5.30am and commenced hiking shortly afterwards I had the pleasure of sampling the finest of mornings. The overnight rain bought freshness to the air. Crisp and clean.

As the sun started to penetrate the ground it caused steam to rise. The resultant mist resembled a movie set. Like when a dinosaur might appear from nowhere and devour an unsuspecting human. But it was only a heard of cows that appeared.

I filled my water bottles at cold springs. There was a scout group packing up their camp. They were interested in my trip. I was humbled to meet one of the leaders who reads my blog. I’m amazed that anybody reads it. Good luck with your PCT hike in a couple of years. 

I continue hiking for several more hours. The temperature is getting colder not hotter as the day progresses. On an exposed ridge I found 2 hikers, Hollywood and Cheeseburger. Phone reception. Finally I was able to order a new camera and trekking poles. While on my phone the clouds rise from the valley below and smother the view.

When I finally recommence hiking I’m walking on a trail that had recently been a river. I must have missed the heavy rain by less than a mile. Every gulley is flowing with fast brown water. I didn’t even get wet!

Late afternoon I reached the halfway point of the trail. Tastefully decorated with blow up animals, I believe they are a recent addition. It’s rather difficult to believe that with all the hiking, pain, suffering that I’m only half way. 85 days to make it half way. 

yes that is the hiking trail, right through the scrubby bushes
skin and bones, my clothes are falling of me, go back to day 1 and have a look ar me!

Next : Day 86 Chester

The Best information about the Pacific Crest Trail:
Complete Guide to the Pacific Crest Trail
Resupply Guide for the PCT
PCT Gear List

PCT Gear Review

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About the Author:
Brad is an Australian who has completed the hiking Triple Crown after he hiked the Pacific Crest Trail, Continental Divide Trail and Appalachian Trail. He has hiked on every continent (except Antarctica) and has cycled from Alaska to Ecuador. He is an expert on outdoor gear currently living in Chile.

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27 thoughts on “PCT Day 85 Halfway To Canada”

  1. Congratulations! That’s quite a milestone. It only gets shorter from there.

    I understand one’s excitement abut midpoint but LNT thoughts leave me disappointed someone would have left the blow up animals. Hopefully someone will pack them out before the end of the season.

  2. Great Job / Well Done …. Sincere Congratulations. Love your blog and look for all of your updates. Thanks so much for sharing with us. Did an overnight backpack up on the tram in Palm Springs…… but gosh, one night…. hardly an experience huh? Ill fitting backpack, and way too much stuff. I had as much for an overnight as you have for your journey. But it was a good learning experience.

    • Thank you. Ah yes the San Jacinto mountains. I fondly remember how hard that was for me so early in the trail. But stunning scenery.

  3. Congratulations on 1/2 way. Love your blog and amazing photos. My son’s on the trail also.1st time PCT hiker, or hiker at all for that matter. He’s currently about 10 days behind you and going well. Keep safe and happy trails ahead.

  4. Thank you for talking with the scouts! By doing section M and N when the thru hikers were going through, I had the goal of getting them exposed to people like you… people who see no limitations!

  5. I have to add on, Total Badass Hiking Machine!! WOOP, WOOP, half way!! Congrats Brad. We are cheering you onward. Canada high-ho!

  6. Congratulations! I am loving following your hike. The pictures are fabulous. I can’t wait to see what the 2nd half brings. I am so happy you are treated well by the trail angels. Kudos to you!!

  7. Congratulations Brad!

    Looking forward to reading and seeing pictures of the second half of your beautiful journey.

    Be safe.


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