13th July 2015
Mileage 14
Bushcamp (1363.9) Old Station (1377.9)
Hiking into a trail town with the promise of real food always promises a cracking pace. 14 miles in about 4 hours. The trail was either flat or downhill with views of near Mt Lasson. Mr & Mrs Smith set a cranking pace, they have good reason which I will reveal later.
The town of Old Station is not much more than an RV Park and a post office. I picked up my food from the post office, I sent it to myself back in Lake Tahoe.
Unfortunately my camera and trekking poles that I ordered will not arrive until tomorrow afternoon, but that’s ok our trail family are all staying here for the night.
While sitting outside the post office a strange thing happened. A guy, a horse, a dog and 2 baby camels turned up. Only in a small town.
All of us then hitch hiked 4 miles to JJs Cafe for lunch/dinner. I rolled out of there after gorging myself. As is usual I eat a burger. I would dearly love to eat something different but choice is limited. My body is wasting away so I feel I can eat as much as I can.
The afternoon is spent on the Internet. Oh and also celebrating Mrs Smiths Birthday. Happy Birthday Mrs Smith.
Next : Day 89 The Virtues of Thru Hiking
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Hi Shepherd, glad the band’s all back together again!
Got a call from Malia Sunday morning from an unfamiliar number…seems it was the Burney Falls store. Her phone is out of order due to some thunder/hail storms somewhere along to way. She assured me they would be at Mt Shasta by this weekend and hit up the Verizon store. Just an FYI, as I know you all are in a group text sometimes. Oh and regarding your comment about adding olive oil to all your meals, that’s a great idea, also blocks of butter can go on everything!
Love your pictures as always! (how adorable are those camels?!)
Yeah great to be back together. If all goes to plan I should be in Shasta by Sunday night. Would be great if they are still around, I thought they were hundreds of miles ahead. Maybe I might catch them.
14 miles in 4 hours that is a wow. That surely was about the destination and not the journey. Food is a motivator without a doubt. I truly enjoy your blog. Many Thanks
It seems I am not alone in speeding up when approaching food, it’s very common among thru hikers.
camels, huh? the wonder and adventure never ends. And that’s a good thing!
Yeah, you don’t see that everyday